This mural of the woman was completed while I was working at a public school, Malaga, Spain.
This mural was requested by the school as a means of celebrating International Women's Day in 2019. The locks of hair are made up of names of teachers and students at the school.
March 2019
CEIP Clara Campoamor
Avenida de la Solidaridad
29130 Malaga, Spain

Upon completion of the first mural, the school asked if I would add a second addition using the names of the students' mothers.
This mural spans over several walls, using two corners.

The Box Truck
Shyndigz purchased a large box truck to use as an on-site storage unit. The truck also served decorative and practical purposes in the form of advertising and photo ops for pedestrians.
July 2020 &
Richmond, VA

Palms Bathroom​ Mural
July 2020
Richmond, VA

The Stairwell​: Blackbird
When Richmond, VA experienced weeks of protests following the death of George Floyd, Shyndigz restaurant group sought a sincere way to show support for the BLM movement. While most businesses and organizations put up signs and released press statements, our most genuine display of solidarity would be a an artistic experience. Per the instruction of the owner, I wrote the lyrics to Blackbird by The Beatles on a wall, accompanied by information about the song and a quote from Paul McCartney.
August 2020
Richmond, VA

The Box Truck
August 2019
Richmond, VA

"Love the journey, enjoy the ride"
July 2019
Shyndigz | Richmond, VA
A practical mural, indicating where customers can park.
July 2017
Richmond, VA

"She believed she could, so she did." Completed on the bathroom wall of Shyndigz Market.
August 2017
Shyndigz Market & 2go Cafe
Richmond, VA

"In pursuit of magic." Completed on an exterior wall at the Shyndigz restaurant.
August 2017
Richmond, VA

Enjoy it all​
July 2019
Shyndigz Market
Richmond, VA